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Recipe: Orange Dreamsicle Cookies
Summary: December 21 - A Cookie A Day Until Christmas! First of all, you should know that I love my friend Tammy Dee Monday McGee. (Doesn’t her name sound like the character in a children’s book? “Tammy Dee Monday McGee Learns About Chickens”. I would read that book!) Yes, I love my sweet friend Tammy. However, I’m a little iffy on these cookies. I did a little research and found some other recipes for “Dreamsicle Cookies” and none of them call for Tang… just boring things like orange extract and orange zest. Tang makes them very, very orange, which is a little funky for a cookie. Obviously, if you want to lose the Tang and use some other form of flavoring, compensate for the loss of sugar. In the meantime, I have a lot of cookies at my house if anyone’s hungry.
- 1 cup Tang orange drink mix
- 1½ cups granulated sugar
- 3¼ cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 cup butter
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 3 cups white chocolate/vanilla baking chips
- Beat together all ingredients, except the vanilla chips. Stir in vanilla chips.
- Drop by Tablespoonfuls onto ungreased baking sheet.
- Bake in a 350º degree oven for 12-14 minutes.

Orange cookies
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