Becky Player has Skills!

Becky Player was the first person to talk to me when I moved to Huntsville.  She will always hold a special place in my heart for that... AND the fact that she's a quilter, AND a professional cake decorator, AND likes to go to lunch, AND is a little bit on the ornery side. All good qualities for friendship and, as if she needed to be a better friend, she baked us a pumpkin pie! After hearing of the "pie crust incident", she must have felt bad for Jeff!  It wasn't just any "run o' the mill" pumpkin pie, this one was beautiful!  Pie crust leaves all around the edge and in the center.   The bottom crust was perfect, not soggy in the slightest.  The filling was perfect and creamy... I'm gonna have another piece right now!

It's important that I clarify something regarding my poor pie crust skills... It was NOT the recipe, because I just ate some of that recipe, and it's not the recipe. It was just me.  Becky has offered to give me a lesson in pie making and I'm going to take her up on it.  One day I, too, shall bake a beautiful pie!

Thanks, Becky!

Becky Player's Pretty Pumpkin Pie

Becky Player's Pretty Pumpkin Pie